I do not call this a Body Contact camp because we work on so much more than just that. This camp is all about using your body to protect the puck and gain an advantage over your opponent.
Focus on Proper Body Contact
Checking Technique
Puck protection
Forest View Hockey Player Jersey
We ask our players to make a pledge to not only us but their guardians to - Work hard each session, this time is dedicated to development save playtime for recess. Listen to player and coaches feedback - hearing multiple perspectives and differentiating opinions can open up new skillset possibilities. Respect your teammates, other players, and staff - we are all here to help each other become the best version of themselves - and that starts respecting each other’s time, effort, and abilities.
We promise to put your player first. We understand investing in your player’s development and hockey career is no small cost. At Forest View Hockey, we hold ourselves accountable to ensure you and your player get the most out of your investment. Whether they are with us for an hour or an entire week’s camp, we promise they will skate away with increased skill set, new hockey knowledge, and an ear-to-ear smile.
Upon purchase, refunds are not available.